My name
is Alessandro Stefano Bertolini.
My last name is common in the county where I work, but my beginning is in other place. My family lived in Milan since two hundred years and this always remains in my heart. If during my work I meet somebody, I like to know if he comes from Milan or has my same age. When I was six, my family decided changing home. They decided to live in a new apartment in Bollate, few miles far from Milan. In that place my parents live at this time and going back there I find the emotions when I was child. Before University I attended the high school in Milan, Liceo Classico Alessandro Manzoni. It was the school where I became adult. I studied Medicine at Milan University and I had my degree in 1984. After I have taken two different specialties at Pavia University: Internal Medicine (1989) and Oncology (1994). I work as hospital physician since 1987, chancing different hospitals. In 2001 I was in Fatebenefratelli Hospital of Milan, in Oncology unit directed by a big teacher and dear friend, Alberto Scanni. Thanks to this decision and his teaching I learned the Director’s work. In 2004 I became Director too, leader of Oncology Unit in Sondrio Hospital, where I’m still working. I am member of important Italian (AIOM, CIPOMO) and American cancer association (ASCO). My first hobby is my work in hospital, which gives me emotions and satisfactions. When I don’t work with patients, I like to write novels, thinking to me. I am not famous in this idea, because I like to write just for me and not to be important. This is a hobby that opens to me a world of dreams. Writing I fell well. I live with my family in Colico, on Como Lake. I like to stay there, it seems to be on holiday. |